Angelic, or up to something? You can never tell.

Last year Ronnie helped me to organise a party for a great mutual friend of ours on very short notice.

We were both insanely busy wrestling with clients and quotes, and couldn’t make the time to decorate the party, which was in a huge venue and really needed to be tarted up-like the guest of honour. (I have to tell you, I am happy for him to be a success, but not at the expense of him being unavailable to blow up balloons, ice cakes and hand out novelty gifts). So, in the absence of his hot air, I had to hire some mercenaries.

And a DJ. (No friends stepped forward to do exotic dancing or sing.) 300 candles were purchased to make everyone look good, and so it went on.

Additionally, lots of guests were finance people caught up in various dramas in the markets on the day of the party and so were no shows at the party. As I had asked the guests to contribute, I was left with a deficit of seven hundred big ones.

Two days later, I told Ronnie about the deficit in an e-mail. The next day, he rang up in an excited voice and said: "Great news! An anonymous benefactor has stepped forward!" I said, so gullible, "WHO IS IT?" He refused to say.

Later that day nearly $500 was dropped in my letterbox.

I bet you can’t guess who the Anonymous Benefactor (AB) was.

I know of no lovelier people than you, Ronnie and Sally. I wish you all the health, wealth and happiness possible. One only has to look at the many wonderful people in your lives to see them reflecting back some of your magic.

Liane Colwell